Summer Serenade: Reflections and Transitions

August 31, 2024

“The tans will fade but the memories will last forever."

Hello Friends! 😎

Welcome to my end of summer musings.

So, it’s the unofficial end of summer and I have mixed emotions about it.

Like all transitions, there is a sadness. I’m going to miss the longer, sunnier days, the carefree and more relaxed vibe that’s influenced my routines and habits, and the “ahhh” of deck time.

Of course, I always look forward to fall sweater weather🧥, beautiful scenery color changes,🍂 and the goodness and comfort from soups and stews 🍲. Oh, and then there’s the new season of shows that we like to watch. Emily in Paris anyone? IYKYK.

I, like many, get kind of nostalgic when I see the school buses making their stops, the first day of school photos posted on social media, and kids walking with their new backpacks. I remember those days of excitement and nervousness with my own kids, and do I dare add, “like it was yesterday.” 😊

I miss the routine of the school calendar, and in my own way, I’ve crafted a routine for my season of life now. I just re-read my previous blog post from September, 2021, about the Seasons of Habits, and how our habits shift not only with the weather, but also with the season of life we’re in. Such a good read with tips to help establish and maintain habits during a transition.

Summer In Review

It’s good to reflect. 💭Reflection allows us to gain perspective, understand ourselves, realize what we've done right, and it’s empowering. And yes, to learn from our mistakes or mis-steps. Using my summer newsletters as a frame of reference, here are my abridged reflections.

I kicked off summer encouraging us all to focus on intentionality, especially with a self-love practice. Self-compassion is key and a daily practice that gets easier and better with increased frequency.

On a scale of 1-5 📶, I’d give myself a 4 on my progress with the self-love focus. I’ve been practicing this for a looong time, not just this summer, and it has paid off. But, there’s room for improvement.

I also encouraged being intentional with play and fun. With the Olympic games, it certainly spurred on a lot of friendly competitions at get-togethers! I have to admit that I did not do as well in this category as I would have liked; I’ve given myself a score of 3. I like to have fun, but that can mean many things that don’t necessarily involve play. I may need to place play on my intentions list for 2025, so I can improve my play game.

Back in my June newsletter I encouraged the mindset shift of reframing your mindset and response of “Things are busy,” with “My life is full” to emphasize the positive aspects of your schedule and to reinforce your control and intentionality with how you spend your time. This has been a game-changer for me, and hopefully for you, too. Every now and then I catch myself saying “I’m busy,” and quickly rephrase my response. Again, with practice this gets easier, but may need more repetition to become habit since our culture seems to be steeped in glorifying busyness. Score = 4.

This leads me to the focus of intentionality with staying in the present moment. I’ve been enjoying experiencing all the feels of being with family, friends, household appliances breaking down, and navigating the record-breaking heat that makes me wilt 🥵 . I would give myself a 4+ in progress with this category. What a difference it makes to really feel the power of the present moment, and to not be thinking about what’s next or what happened that we can’t change or control. I can attest to feeling less stressed, more centered (my word of the year), and noticing a greater appreciation for the little things that bring me contentment. 🧘🏼‍♀️

Overall, it’s been a fine summer, one that’s been affirming, engaging, life giving, and savored.

An author I follow, Emily P. Freeman, encourages people to reflect on 3 life energy questions to simplify the reflection process:

  • In the past 30 days, what was life-draining?
  • What was life-giving?
  • When did I feel most like myself?

What’s your reflection on your summer?

“We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience.” - John Dewey


Life is filled with change. Whether it be the weather, our season of life, our relationships, work, health, or circumstances.

Theorist William Bridges stated: “Change is situational, transitions are psychological.” He identified 3 stages of a transition:

  • The Ending - Letting go of the old situation or way of doing things
  • Neutral Zone - The transitional period between the old and the new, also referred to as the messy middle
  • New Beginnings - Embracing the new situation and building a new identity

As we experience life or seasonal transitions, it’s important to consider the impact of these 3 stages on our mental health. Naming these component parts helps us better understand the transition phase we are in, and allows us to navigate the process ahead with greater insight and positivity.

When you think about it, most transitions begin with an end. Our routines, habits, and interactions are usually disrupted; it’s a break from the past – of what we know. There’s a complicated mix of emotions; feelings of loss, fear, and uncertainty associated with the letting go, even if it’s something we want.

The neutral zone can cause people to feel disoriented, confused, and impatient. In this phase you’re usually managing concurrent transitions or changes, where you may feel vulnerable, and vacillate with wanting to return to what you know – because there’s some safety in that. But eventually you realize the only way forward is to just go through it. Step by step.

It’s hard to give ourselves time and grace to adjust to this change. This phase requires allowing space for the internal shift to look forward and to explore next steps for a fresh start. It does take time to find your flow.

New beginnings are exciting and delicate times, usually producing feelings of optimism, validation, and energy for the new projects, new connections, and new expectations that can lead to improvements and progress toward our bigger goals. It’s important to recognize that there still may be course corrections, getting things wrong, and times of self-doubt that are part of this experience. From this transition, a new identity may evolve. You have grown with a clearer vision of who you are, and the resilience you possess, which will boost your confidence and motivation for moving forward.

*If any of you are in this process of transition and feeling stuck, I’m here for you. Sometimes all you need is a little coaching to get you through those rough patches. Let’s talk.


As women, many of us are challenged with the pressure to be productive, to get more things done 📝 to have a successful day. You’ll know what a fan I am of James Clear, author of the book, Atomic Habits. I love this piece on productivity where he gives us the only productivity tip we need, why it works, and what holds us back from using it. Such a short, sweet, and helpful read for this time of year of fresh starts. 🌱

With the start of the school year, I remember all too well the initial challenges of the “empty nest.” It’s a major life transition, among other changes happening in this season of life. I found this article particularly helpful in giving me permission, encouragement, and suggestions on how to thrive ✨ with an empty nest. Whether you are new or seasoned to the empty nest, or are in a life transition, you may enjoy this list of activities to give yourself a fresh start. It’s a good one!


September has been called the other January – a time where we give ourselves a clean slate, a fresh start, and a chance to begin again with our habits, routines, and activities toward our goals and desired outcomes.

I hope you feel the nudge to return to an interest, a previously enjoyed hobby, or feel a renewed ambition to learn something new, or to pursue something that lights you up. This is a great time to capitalize on the energy ⚡of the season!

I just noticed that September is also Healthy Aging Month! I knew there was a reason I’m hosting my workshop: Building Your Legacy In Midlife And Beyond, on September 23. This season of life is a powerful time for women to step into their legacy— a chance to shed old expectations and explore new possibilities. It's an opportunity to leverage your experiences, wisdom, and passions to create a lasting impact. That sounds healthy to me!

I invite you to join this dynamic, one-of-a-kind workshop where you’ll be inspired to craft a blueprint to cultivate your own legacy for lasting impact, experience an immersive sound bath, and connect with other like-minded women on this legacy building journey.

Details and registration here!

I want to thank you for reading and subscribing to this newsletter. If you ever have a newsletter topic or area of interest that you would like me to discuss or review, send me an email. I love 🧡 hearing from you!

To your fresh start,


PS. If you’re curious about working with a coach to accomplish goals for the rest of the year and beyond,let’s talk! I’d love to help you be successful and move into your best self!

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