Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! Play Your Way To A More Fulfilling Summer.

June 20, 2024

It's time to rediscover your playful spirit this summer. We are never too old to PLAY!

Hello Fellow Fun Seekers, 😎

Girls just wanna have funnnn… 🎵

I recently saw an interview with Cyndi Lauper, who is another pioneer redefining aging and the reality of our potential at any age. Back in 1983, Lauper was brave enough to put a different spin on the song, “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” to make it a girl-power anthem for all women to define fun for themselves, rather than from the male influence and affirmation, which was the original intended meaning.

When I hear this song, I instantly get giddy and feel empowered to be playful and sing along at the top of my lungs! 💃 Anybody else feel this way? If you’re not familiar or haven’t heard the song in a while, you have to listen to it—it’s so good! 🔊

Well, I’m all about fun and play this summer! “I wanna be the one to walk in the sun… 🌞 girls just wanna have fun…” 🎵

Last newsletter I encouraged you to be intentional with your summer plans. I’m assuming, and expecting, that your plans include play. Sometimes I think we take play and fun for granted, and don’t recognize the benefits of play for our mental health.

We tend to think about play for kids only. In fact, when you look up the definition of play, they reference children’s play. I beg to differ; play is ageless! Play is something we do for the fun of it, for enjoyment and recreation. Play is self-driven and voluntary and as individual as we all are.

Let's Get Playful! The Benefits of Play for Grown-Ups

Research states that play is an innate primal drive that is unique to each of us. Play boosts creativity, connection, and mindfulness, in addition to giving you more energy. The energy that play brings can flow over into other areas of your life, having a ripple effect.

Play can decrease your stress levels, help you better cope with stressful situations, improve your problem-solving ability, and help you be more flexible and innovative. Play helps us empty our minds and disconnect from pressures other than what’s in front of us. When playing, you’re usually in the zone; a flow state where you may lose track of time, being present with your current space, usually with energy. (I’ve heard people who Wordle feel this way.)

As adults, play seems to get extracted out of our lives, or perhaps we become accustomed to a particular form of play, like golf, tennis, or pickleball. Or perhaps our play may involve years of hiking, biking, or skiing; for others it may involve crafting or building. I’m sure you all can identify the form of play you like to engage in.

These are all wonderful forms of play. However, the more comfortable we get with our usual forms of play, the less they give our brain a work-out. It has been shown that our brain needs mental stimulation to continue to build neurons and neural connections, which can slow the aging process.

So, this summer I want to encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and be intentional with discovering a new form of play. It’s time to reinvigorate that playful spirit, discover new opportunities for joy, and provide anti-aging strategies for the mind!

Some ideas for play this summer:

  • Seek out intergenerational play. Be intentional to play with people of different generations and diversity. You learn so much about the differences, perspectives, commonalities that unite us and build connection. Try a scavenger hunt utilizing teams at your next family gathering. Or, try taking a walk or hike and snap pictures of things/letters that spell out your name and make a collage with younger family members or work associates. See how creative you all can be with this activity.
  • Summer Olympic challenges. Use this summer’s Paris Olympics as a theme for your family. Try “chore Olympics,” making chores into a competition. Who can wash dishes the fastest, empty the dishwasher the fastest, pull the most weeds in 30 minutes, etc. There are also many yard games where people can pick different countries they want to represent. The possibilities are endless for play riffing off the Olympic theme. 🏅
  • Reconnect with past favorite games. We play different games depending on the stages and seasons of our life. Over time, we get disconnected from these forms of play. Think back to what your favorite game was when you were young. My personal favorite was “kick the can.” Oh what fun this was, and we would play after dinner until it got too dark and you couldn’t see the can. Croquet, wiffle ball, pickle, charades, freeze tag or link-up tag were other favorites. Water balloon fight anyone?

Of course, these past favorites can also include card and board games. This is a good way to engage with the younger family members who seem to only know video games.

There was a time when I used to think, “I hate playing games.” What this was code for was: “I don’t want to be vulnerable,” “be labeled a loser,” and/or be the one nobody wants on their team or as their partner. I’ve since matured, thank goodness, and enjoy playing (most) games and the challenges they present. After all, I just wanna have fun!

Think about your summer fun and play, and see if there are some new approaches for play for you and your friends and family!

To explore and learn more about play and games, read the book 📖 “Play Together” by Laura Haver.


From Busy to Full: A Mindset Shift for A More Fulfilling Life

Have you ever caught yourself saying "I'm so busy" when someone asks how you're doing? It's a common response, but "busy" doesn't quite capture the whole picture. Our culture often glorifies busyness, making it seem like a badge of honor. But what if there's a better way to describe your life?

The word "busy" can have a negative connotation, implying stress, overwhelm, and a lack of control. It doesn't capture the richness of your experiences. There’s a simple reframe that can help you shift your mindset and help you feel more in control of your time and schedule.

Reframing Busy

Instead of "busy," try "My life is full." This emphasizes the positive aspects of a packed schedule. You're engaged, productive, and living a fulfilling life. Saying "My calendar is full" positions you in control of your time, having intentionality. You're actively choosing how to fill your days, not just reacting to demands.

If constant busyness leaves you feeling overwhelmed, remember: you have a choice! A time audit can help you assess how you're spending your precious hours. Are you filling your days with activities aligned with your values, or simply going through the motions?

The best way to respond depends on the situation and the person asking. But by replacing "busy" with a more nuanced description, you can paint a richer picture of your life.

Let's be clear: busyness isn't always a bad thing. It can indicate engagement and productivity. However, reframing your response can help you be more mindful of how you're spending your time. This shift can lead to a more positive outlook and a life that feels truly fulfilling, not just frantically busy.


Summer is a time of reflection for me, as well as for fun. If you’re in the season of midlife and beyond, you may be contemplating your next steps forward seeking fulfillment, connection, and happiness. Read my most recent blog, “Not Done Yet! Why This Boomer is Trading Retirement for Reinvention” for clarifying questions to ask yourself to light your path.

I’ve added a new summer intention to my list: meet one new person each week! I was listening to a recent Mel Robbins podcast, where she was discussing unexpected connections. I like this idea of chance encounters that you discover are good for you, and/or good for the other person you meet. It hopefully will enrich my summer and my connections. I'd love to hear if you adopt this intention as well, and what unexpected connections you discover.

Coincidences are not accidents but signals from the universe showing us the way.”Deepak Chopra

“Sometimes we’re lucky enough to meet people who shift our perspectives with nothing but a smile.” – Unknown

“Fate brings people together no matter how far apart they may be.” – Unknown

Are you holding a grudge? Holding resentment can really put a damper on your summer mood. Researchers have found that holding a grudge reinforces upsetting thoughts, lowers self-esteem, and makes negative feelings fester, besides having increased risks with physical symptoms. Read this article for tips on ways to let go of grudges and release resentment for your well-being and mental health.


Summertime screams play! I hope I’ve reinvigorated your play plans for the season. August is National Family Fun Month. Now is a good time to start planning those memory making playful activities with your family.

Play is a great way to develop relationships, whether at work, home, or out in the community. It’s an opportunity to connect with people on a different level. Lean in to the nuance of the play/game and learn more about yourself and others in the process.

I also want to encourage you to test out new games and forms of play; get out of your comfort zone with play. You might just find something new that lights you up. After all, girls just wanna have fun!

As always, I encourage you to continue taking care of yourself, whether that’s prioritizing your health and wellbeing, letting go of grudges, setting boundaries, or asking for help. You are worth it!

If you’re finding it difficult to prioritize YOU, and you’re ready to make a change, I’m here for you. I’m passionate about helping women like you shift their mindset, develop healthy habits, and finally get on the right path to embrace feeling good about themselves and their wellbeing! There’s nothing better than clarity and the rediscovery of YOU! Reach out and let’s develop the transformation you’ve been wanting.

To your playful, full, fun summer,😊


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