How Are You Spending Your Last Days of Summer? Plus, a special announcement.

August 9, 2024

“Breathe the sweetness that hovers in August.” — Denise Leverto

Hello Friends! 😎

It’s August! A month of transition with the start of school for some, perhaps an empty nest, anticipating cooler nights, and the last hurrah with summer activities!

I thought I’d be a bit more creative and free form with this newsletter. So, this is straight from the heart ❤️ and mind 🧠.

First off, I’ve been trying to savor this summer with all the traditional activities of grilling out, eating more ice cream, soaking up the warm sun, and enjoying the garden harvest of flowers and vegetables.

As I’ve mentioned in previous newsletters, I have my non-negotiables that keep my routines in check, so I’ve felt grounded and centered. I’ve been attempting to meet one new person a week, and for the most part, I’ve been successful. 👍🏻

But summer can be hard to embrace at times.

Which leads me to the non-romantic part of summer…the heat! It’s hot walking at 7:00 in the morning, which makes it hard to speed up to get in my miles before it’s unbearable. “Hot Girl Walk” 🚶🏻‍♀️ has a different meaning when the temps move beyond 95 degrees. I keep reminding myself that this is not going to last forever and to savor the warmth. But I’m not going to lie; I’m looking forward to busting out my sweatshirts and jeans. Anyone else?

It’s been too hot to eat outside on the patio, and suddenly the bees 🐝 have decided to join the party! Ugh. I’m not a fan. My husband always says: “Ignore them, they’ll leave you alone.” Easier said than done. 🙄 Are you with me on this?

I’ve been so excited for my first attempt at growing dahlias, 🌼 only to be crushed by the deer eating off the buds. I’ve managed to ward off the deer on a few plants to cut a few of the beauties and bring them inside.

It’s hard not to wish for the crisp air that comes along with the fall season 🍂, which just happens to be my favorite time of year. My challenge as we wind down summer is to embrace the opportunities that stand before us, which means staying in the moment, and enjoying the simple side of summer.

I’ve been able to savor the best of summer with family and friends. I’ve propelled myself to savor summer through the challenges of the heat, and the pesky bees and deer.

“Serenity Comes When You Trade Expectations for Acceptance” – Buddha

I’m amazed how I’m continually learning the impact of acceptance, especially when it comes to what’s within or out of my control, and the action of being intentional with what’s really important. These two values—acceptance and intentionality—are what’s been saving my summer.

What’s been saving your summer?

These are the days for:

  • Eating up all the seasonal fresh fruits and veggies available to us. There’s nothing better than this month of summer deliciousness. I’m especially enjoying corn, watermelon, tomatoes, and zucchini recipes. 🌽🥒🍅🍉🍑🍏🌶️
  • Being on, in, near, next to, or drinking water. Water 💦has a powerful physiologic effect on your body that triggers the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the body’s “rest and digest” response.
  • Reading. Time to relax and finish reading the books 📚 on your summer reading list.
  • Connection with natural environments. As humans, we have an instinctual bond with nature 🏞️ ingrained in our genes. Being in nature, even a few moments, can lead to happier, healthier, and more productive lives. Get outside and be happy! Do lots of evening porch, patio, or deck sitting. 😀
  • Watching for shooting stars. 🌠Meteor activity kicks into high gear in August as seen from the northern hemisphere. The Perseid shower peaks on August 12, however shower activity is active most of the month. ✨🌌
  • Spending time with loved ones. August has several national observances to keep the fun and treats going for all to enjoy, like National Root Beer Float Day, National Filet Mignon 🥩Day, National Potato 🥔 Day, and National S’mores Day just to name a few. Oh, and to soak up all those soothing summer vibes you might partake in National Relaxation Day, National Hawaiian Shirt Day, and National Beach Day. Just think of all the creative ways you could incorporate these special observances with your family and friends.


Have you been watching the Olympics? I have my favorites that I like to watch and find some of the sports so inspiring! I’m amazed at how these athletes have overcome challenges to achieve their goals. The discipline they’ve had over the years of practice and dedication to push their bodies and minds to go further is a reminder to me that I can do the same, whenever I choose to. Our bodies are amazing machines, and I’m in awe of the mental and physical strength of each and every Olympian! 🥇🥈🥉

Beyond the sports, I’ve enjoyed learning the back stories of the athletes and the events, seeing the beautiful countries of the athletes and the host country, France. It’s a multidisciplinary educational learning event! Watching these events can fulfill a human connection and provide a sense of national pride. I hope you’ve felt it like I have. 😊

How do you want to finish out the rest of 2024? If you are game, take a moment and write a letter to your future self about your thoughts now and what you’ll be accomplishing at the end of the year. You can talk about how you feel right now and what your hopes are for when you read this letter again. Research shows that when you write down things you want to accomplish, you’ll be more successful in following through with them. You may want to include something specific you want to remind your future self. By then the election will be over; how will you be navigating the outcome? Tuck this letter away and read it on January 1, 2025.

You may want to write a letter to your future self in 10 years. Writing a letter to a later version of yourself may give you some specific clarity about who you want to be and how you want to grow and live.

Here are some tips to try when writing your own “future-self” letter:

  • Write down what you want to remember.
  • Write down what you don’t want to remember.
  • Write about your favorite things.
  • Jot down notes about how you’re feeling right now.
  • Scribble down the lessons you’ve learned.
  • Ask your future self how you’re different now.
  • Lastly, write a note to yourself in a year, three years, five years… put them in an envelope and write down the date you can read them again.

By Brittany Chaffee, writer; Wit & Delight

It’s always an experience to see how a letter writing journey brings introspection and insight into ourselves now and into the future.


As I’ve mentioned in a previous newsletter, summer is usually a time of reflection for me. This summer is no different. I’ve been re-evaluating my sense of purpose and examining my motivation and passion of helping people discover their best self. You all know I’m a self-development junkie, so this should come as no surprise. Through this study and reading, I’ve put together an exciting workshop that I know will excite you, as it has me.

As subscribers to this newsletter, YOU are the first to know the details and have the opportunity to enroll here!


August gives us another opportunity to have fun, play, enjoy our free time, be creative, be productive, visit with friends and continue with adventures. August feels like the end, but it’s also the beginning – anticipating the start of school, rebooting our non-summer routine, and updating our “school” supplies, whether we’re in school or not. 🖊️📓 😎

I can still remember that feeling of anticipation and preparation for the first days of school. You can use this “back to school” time to learn a new skill or to continue to improve a skill you already have. Maybe start reading more, working word puzzles, or take an online course just for fun. The idea is to start something that sparks your mind and your talents!

There’s an endless stream of expectations for the months to come and the change of seasons. But for now, I’m staying in the moment and savoring all that August has to offer, practicing acceptance and intentionality to cultivate serenity. 😊

To your savoring and serenity,


PS. If you’re curious about working with a coach to accomplish goals for the rest of the year and beyond,let’s talk! I’d love to help you be successful and move into your best self!

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Once Upon a Habit periodic Newsletter features doable thought provoking tips, strategies, actions and tools to optimize your mindset, build healthy habits, and create lifestyle changes for your well-being and personal success. You will have the added benefit of being the first to know of workshops, coaching opportunities, blog posts, and other educational offerings.

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