Marching Forward With Intention

March, 2024

Ready, Set, GROW! In this issue, you'll find resources, guiding principles, and new ways to March forward.

Hello Lovely Friends!

March is the month of expectation, anticipation, and transition. With the changing weather and season, we too may feel a sense of rejuvenation as we emerge from winter. The days are getting longer and brighter! YAY!!!

With March being Women’s History Month, I can’t help but think about the women who came before us, the fearless pioneers who dared to challenge the status quo and advocate for equality and the rights and wellbeing of all women. They marched forward with unwavering determination, despite the obstacles and resistance they faced.

Just like the changing seasons, and the women before us, we are meant to adapt and evolve. March teaches us that change is inevitable, and it's also an opportunity for growth.

This month, let's embrace the spirit of marching forward in our journey of personal development and wellness, of being a person who is proud of her accomplishments, growth, and good standing. It’s still a new year with plenty of time to blossom, evolve, and make changes.

“March is a month of expectation. The things you think you require, the things you want, the things you believe, are always attainable, but only if you are willing to maintain your momentum.”
- Ralph Marston

On my recent blog I talk about marching forward with intention. I’m an advocate for being intentional, both personally and professionally. I truly believe that setting intentions is a powerful act; intentions can orient and transform our actions, guide decision making, and impact the trajectory of our lives.

What I’ve found is that we need to have intent with how we want to behave or change, otherwise we tend to fall back on our old habits and practices, continuing on auto-pilot, losing momentum, and feeling frustrated and discouraged with ourselves for not making the changes we want.

Since my start of intention setting (2022), I’ve become more reflective. I’ve experienced an escalation in my motivation and a boost in my confidence and self-worth. I feel more productive, with an elevated sense of purpose and meaning. I want that for you too!

For a guide on how to set intentions and about the impact of being intentional and marching forward, read my blog.

Mindset Matters From Judy

These positive mindsets can serve as guiding principles to embrace the opportunities and challenges that March brings, fostering personal growth, momentum, and expectation.

🌱Embracing Growth. Just as nature begins to bloom and flourish, we too can cultivate new skills, ideas, and opportunities for personal development.

🚀Harnessing Momentum. March is a month of momentum, where the energy of the new year is still palpable. It's a perfect time to harness that momentum as we emerge from winter to propel ourselves forward toward our goals with determination and focus.

🎨Fostering Creativity. March is a month that inspires creativity, as nature begins to burst forth with color and life. By tapping into our creative energy and exploring new ideas and passions, we can cultivate renewed inspiration in our personal and professional lives.

🥳Seizing Opportunities. By embracing an open mindset and seizing opportunities as they arise, we can expand our horizons and discover new possibilities for success and fulfillment.

🙏Nurturing Resilience. As March can bring unpredictable weather and challenges, it's essential to nurture resilience and adaptability. By maintaining a positive attitude and embracing setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth, we can navigate any obstacles with grace and determination.

🐢Cultivating Patience. Just as March marks the transition from winter to spring, it reminds us of the importance of patience and perseverance. Spring is coming!


As many of you know I have pivoted from therapist to coach! In the spirit of marching forward, I’m opening up my 1 to 1 coaching practice to help women with a career go from feeling overwhelmed and out-of-sync personally and professionally, to becoming the intentional creator of their fulfilled life.

I know how difficult it can be to take back control of your life when feeling that push-pull of work and family, and not wanting to compromise showing up. Or when feeling stuck, and unsure of that right next step to attain the changes you seek. At times we all can have blinders on, limiting our beliefs of our ability to act on our hopes, dreams, and desires.

Change happens within the context of connection; that’s one of the great benefits of coaching! It helps to have the expertise of a coach that can provide a personalized framework to advance your efforts and the achievement of your goals so you feel that you are living the life you want.

I believe in your ability to change, and as your coach I will be there to reinforce your strengths; be your accountability partner; bolster your steps for progress and be your biggest cheerleader.

Email me with your questions or to schedule a consultation for 1:1 coaching.

And if 1:1 coaching doesn't feel right for you, keep your eye out for my April workshop that will be focused on building better habits!


Here are a few resources that I’ve recently found helpful and want share with you! After all, we all are on a journey, right?

  • This 12-minute mindfulness meditation is focused on acting on what’s important. This is a gentle meditation and a great introduction to a mindfulness practice. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
  • I was sent this Podcast episode by another coach, and it’s sooo GOOD! The podcaster is singing my song and is talking about living with intention and action to achieve your goals! It’s tough-love wrapped up with motivation and inspiration; a short but mighty message! A must listen if you are feeling challenged with consistency and follow through. The Primal Potential with Elizabeth Benton, Episode 1172.
  • If you are in some sort of life change or feel challenged with decision making, this Christian author provides strategies and encouragement to clear the decision-making fatigue and chaos. The Next Right Thing, by Emily P. Freeman, delivers beautiful spiritual guidance with practical, soul-full suggestions to discern your next right decision. Emily also has a podcast by the same title, The Next Right Thing, which is another one I subscribe to. (Her voice is so soothing!)


" In March, winter is holding us back, and spring is pulling us forward. Something holds and something pulls inside us too." - Jean Hersey

Where in your life are you feeling held back, and pulled forward?

What are your intentions for this month? I encourage you to reflect on how you are emerging from winter, and the impact this has on your journey of growth and personal development.

What do you need to nurture so you will blossom? Write down your intentions, and see what surfaces as a priority for you!

What is pulling you forward?

Anticipation followed by positive action is even more satisfying!

Ready. Set. Grow!

To intentionally Marching forward,


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Once Upon A Habit

Once Upon a Habit periodic Newsletter features doable thought provoking tips, strategies, actions and tools to optimize your mindset, build healthy habits, and create lifestyle changes for your well-being and personal success. You will have the added benefit of being the first to know of workshops, coaching opportunities, blog posts, and other educational offerings.

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