Feeling Lucky with Abundance 🍀

March 17, 2024

Marching forward full of abundance, luck, and awareness!

Hello my loved and lucky friends!

How many of you think you’re lucky when you play cards? How about having good luck with winning drawings, raffles, or the lottery? Any takers on feeling that you’re lucky in love? (hehe!)

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, 🍀 I thought we’d take a dive into the “luck of the Irish” and really look at who are the lucky people.

I used to think that I was not a lucky person. I rarely won raffles or drawings; when playing cards, I could count on being dealt an awful hand, and it was usually my (bad) luck when I went to purchase something I’d been saving up for, only to find it was no longer available.

However, what I’ve come to know is that in the context of luck, mindset is key.

While luck plays a role in everyone's lives to some extent, mindset shapes how individuals interpret and respond to it. What we think. What we feel. What we focus on and the meaning we attach to it is what gives it substance.

Specifically, there are two mindsets at play in the context of how we view luck: scarcity mindset and abundance mindset. A scarcity mindset is a belief that resources, opportunities, and success are limited, leading to feelings of lack, fear, and competition.

Conversely, an abundance mindset is a belief that there are plenty of resources and opportunities available, fostering feelings of gratitude, optimism, and collaboration. It's about seeing the world as full of possibilities rather than constraints.

Ahhh, so that’s it - If you think and believe you’re lucky, then what you tell yourself will grow. But if you see yourself as unlucky, then guess what, you will be!

Do you believe that you create your own luck? Those with an abundance mindset tend to view luck as something that can be cultivated or created through hard work, resilience, and a positive attitude. They believe luck isn’t limited to a select few but is accessible to anyone who is open to it.

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." - Seneca

The relationship between luck and mindset is intertwined with how we perceive and respond to the abundance or scarcity of opportunities and resources in our lives.


Focuses on what is lacking and limited

Views resources as scarce and finite

Fearful of taking risks or trying new things

Feels envious or threatened by others' success

Believes luck is rare and beyond control

Tends to hoard or cling to possessions


Focuses on opportunities and possibilities

Views resources as abundant and limitless

Embraces challenges and sees failure as an opportunity for growth

Celebrates others' successes and believes in the potential for own success

Believes in creating luck through hard work, positivity, and resilience

Shares generously and trusts in abundance

Read my recent blog to learn eight strategies and tips about bringing more abundance and luck into your life! It’s taken me a while, but I’ve been shifting my mindset to see myself as lucky!

“Some luck lies not in getting what you want, but in getting what you have, which you may be wise enough to recognize, is what you would have wanted all along - if you had known!”
- Garrison Keillor

So, do you see yourself as lucky? What’s holding you back, your mindset? Luck is not merely random chance but often the result of effort, courage, and perspective.


Do you ever feel like you are doing things out of habit and that you're cruising 🚘 through life without really noticing what you're doing?

It’s like you have to be a detective 🕵️‍♀️ with your own behavior to solve the mystery of your habits.

Identifying current habits and areas for improvement involves a series of reflective questions or activities that prompt you to examine your behaviors, routines, and habits critically. 🧐

Imagine you're on a mission to uncover the hidden clues behind your habits. Your first tool? A magnifying glass 🔍 of awareness and mindfulness! Start by paying attention 🤔 to the little details of your daily routines.

  • What does a typical day look like for you from morning until night?
  • What activities do you engage in regularly, both productive and unproductive?
  • Are there any recurring patterns or behaviors that stand out to you?

What triggers certain behaviors? How do you feel before, during, and after? Take notes ✍🏻 and gather evidence!

It can be helpful to set up reminders, like alarms ⏰ or sneaky sticky notes, to keep you on alert throughout the day. Whenever you hear that 'ding' 🛎️ or spot that note 📃, it's your cue to check-in with yourself.

  • What are you doing? Why are you doing it?
  • Assess how you’re allocating your energy and time?
  • Are there habits that drain your energy or time unnecessarily?
  • Are you moving closer to your goals, or getting sidetracked by the villainous distractions?

Use your newfound awareness to unravel the mysteries of your habits. By engaging in this self-assessment process, you can gain valuable insights into your current habits and areas for improvement, laying the groundwork for developing a personalized action plan and unleashing your inner slueth 🦸🏻‍♀️to make strategic changes to your behavior and routines.

And to further this mission ⬇️⬇️


This dynamic and interactive boot camp is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to build and be consistent with better habits. Through a series of engaging information, activities, and discussions, you'll learn practical strategies for breaking old habits, forming new ones, and achieving your goals with consistency and determination. You will leave this workshop motivated and confident with your own plan in place for long-term success, fulfillment, and transformation.

Whether your reboot is to change, stop or adopt a habit for physical health, mental resilience, or a lifestyle revamp, this boot camp is for you if you are:

  • Determined to finally make a change
  • Intent on lasting outcomes
  • Ready to claim a personal source of pride

The registration fee ($75) includes 2 group bi-weekly coaching calls following the boot camp to reinforce what you've outlined for yourself during the boot camp.

CLICK HERE to save your seat and join me on April 13th!


I don’t know about you, but I am tired of the negative news. I find myself being curious about what's going on, and then very soon after listening, feeling a range of emotion - with some combination of sadness, apathy, and helplessness. With the current political climate, upcoming election, war, and the list goes on… I’d like to focus on other events to balance out the rhetoric.

There’s actually a “good news” movement happening and there’re several websites and social media accounts that just focus on positive news. Check out these sites to restore your belief in humanity, boost your spirits, and inspire you into to action with abundance:

There are many more to choose from, so don’t stop here! Be intentional with the news that you consume.


I hope you’ll join me in feeling lucky! Remember, luck favors the bold and the abundant mindset creates its own fortune! Keep embracing opportunities, spreading positivity, and watch how luck dances in your favor. Here's to living a life filled with abundance and endless possibilities!

Investigate and develop true awareness of your habits, so you can be intentional with behavior change to acheive alignment with your values and goals. 😊

Check your calendar and join us on April 13th for: Reboot Your Routine: Building Stronger Habits for a Better YOU! This boot camp promises to be eye opening 😳 and the fresh start 🌱 you’ve been looking for lasting change! 💯

Please share this newsletter with your friends and encourage them to subscribe so you can support each other on your journey of well-being!

To your abundant mindset,


Like my newsletter? Be sure to tell a friend!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Once Upon A Habit

Once Upon a Habit periodic Newsletter features doable thought provoking tips, strategies, actions and tools to optimize your mindset, build healthy habits, and create lifestyle changes for your well-being and personal success. You will have the added benefit of being the first to know of workshops, coaching opportunities, blog posts, and other educational offerings.

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