Embrace April’s Energy: Discover your Why for Change 🌱

April 10, 2024

Embrace April’s Energy of Change: Cultivate Personal Growth & Uncover Your Why for Lasting Change

Hey there, fellow growth seekers!

Ever found yourself wanting to make a shift in your life but struggling to stick with it? You're not alone. Whether it's eating healthier, exercising regularly, or picking up a new skill, behavior change can be tough. But fear not, because there's a transformative force that can supercharge your journey: Your "why."

Your "why" is like the North Star guiding your ship through the stormy seas of change. It's the foundational, deep-down reason behind the goals you're chasing and the habits you're trying to build. And let me tell you, it's a game-changer.

Think about it. When you're crystal clear on why you want to make a change, suddenly, that snooze button doesn't seem so tempting. That bag of chips loses its appeal. That couch starts to look more like a pit stop than a final destination.

Your "why" is your rocket fuel. It's the fire in your belly that keeps you pushing forward when the going gets tough. It's what turns "I should" into "I must." It's the difference between fleeting motivation and unwavering determination.

But it's not just about motivation. Your "why" is your roadmap, showing you the way when you're feeling lost. It helps you set meaningful goals and stay focused on what truly matters to you. So, when life throws you a curveball (as it often does), you know exactly which way to turn.

And let's not forget resilience. Your "why" is your secret weapon against setbacks. When you stumble (because we all do), it's your "why" that picks you back up, dusts you off, and points you back in the right direction.

But perhaps most importantly, your "why" is your anchor to yourself. It's a reminder of who you are, what you stand for, and what you're capable of achieving. It's a journey of self-discovery as much as it is about change.

So, as you embark on your quest for growth and transformation, take the time to dig deep and uncover your "why." Embrace it, nurture it, and let it light the way. A word of caution, when we jump ahead and take action without defining our why in place, we’re likely destined for failure!

Read my blog for the right questions to ask yourself to uncover your why for lasting change and success.

Your "why" serves as a powerful catalyst for behavior change by providing motivation, direction, resilience, sustainability, and self-awareness. Taking the time to understand and articulate your motivations can significantly increase your chances of successfully changing your behaviors in the long term.

With your "why" front and center, there's no limit to what you can achieve.


Try these activities to explore and discover your "why" for behavior change:

Journaling 📖 - Set aside time each day to journal about your habits and behaviors. Reflect on why you engage in certain habits, how they make you feel, and what outcomes you hope to achieve. Over time, patterns may emerge that reveal underlying motivations and desires.

Mindfulness 🧘🏻‍♀️🧖🏼‍♀️- Practice mindfulness during your daily activities, paying close attention to your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Notice the reasons behind your habits and behaviors without judgment. Mindful awareness can help you uncover the deeper motivations driving your actions.

Behavior Tracking 📈🗓️ - Keep a record of your habits and behaviors using a journal, app, or spreadsheet. Track when, where, and why you engage in each behavior. Look for triggers, patterns, and associations that shed light on your underlying motivations.

Habit Stacking 🧱- Experiment with habit stacking, a technique where you link a new habit to an existing one. As you perform the habit stack, reflect on why you're incorporating the new behavior and how it aligns with your goals and values.

Visualization 🤩 - Take time to visualize your ideal self and the life you want to live. Imagine how your desired habits and behaviors contribute to this vision. Visualization can help clarify your motivations and inspire action towards your goals.

Self-Experimentation 👩‍🔬- Conduct short-term experiments where you temporarily adopt or eliminate a habit. Pay attention to how you feel during the experiment and reflect on the reasons behind your reactions. Experimentation can provide valuable insights into your motivations and preferences.

Remember, discovering your "why" is a journey of self-discovery and exploration. Be patient with yourself and embrace the process of experimentation and reflection as you uncover your underlying motivations for behavior change.

Mindset Matters From Judy

We can’t forget the role our mindset plays with our behavior, so let’s look at how our mindset impacts our perception of our ability to change and ultimately impacts our "why."

Consider the differences between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset:

Fixed Mindset: In a fixed mindset, individuals believe that their abilities, traits, and qualities are innate and unchangeable. They may view challenges as threats to their self-image and tend to avoid situations where they might fail. When it comes to change, those with a fixed mindset may feel resigned to their current circumstances, believing that change is either impossible or beyond their control.

Impact on "Why:" For individuals with a fixed mindset, their "why" may be influenced by a sense of resignation or fatalism. They may lack the belief that change is possible or meaningful, leading to a less compelling motivation for pursuing behavior change. Without a growth-oriented perspective, they may struggle to find intrinsic motivation or see the value in investing effort into change.

Growth Mindset: Conversely, a growth mindset involves the belief that abilities and qualities can be developed through dedication, effort, and learning. People with a growth mindset embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and see setbacks as learning experiences rather than reflections of their inherent capabilities. They understand that change is possible and view it as a natural part of personal development.

Impact on "Why:" Individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to approach behavior change with enthusiasm and resilience. Their "why" is often fueled by a sense of possibility and a desire for personal growth and self-improvement. They see change as an opportunity to become the best version of themselves, aligning their "why" with their intrinsic values, goals, and aspirations.

What’s your mindset? Would you rather develop a growth mindset, or sit with a fixed mindset? The choice is yours.


It’s Spring, and many people get the urge to do the proverbial “Spring Cleaning.” If you’re like me, it’s hard to get motivated for that. Check out the Spring cleaning Bingo cards (scroll down the page in the link) from Gretchen Rubin, best-selling author of books related to happiness and habits. These cards will help motivate you to clean things out and get things done! Gretchen’s mantra, which I’ve adopted, reminds me of the importance of decluttering and straightening: “Outer order creates inner calm.” Be sure to let me know how they work for you.

April is also National Card and Letter Writing month! Paper Source has teamed up with Gretchen Rubin to provide daily prompts and activities to get your creative juices flowing with writing, crafting, and sending more written communication out to those you love. What fun ideas and a new way to be creative!


This is the last call for my workshop: Reboot Your Routine: Building Stronger Habits for a Better You!

CLICK HERE to save your seat and join me on April 13th!

As nature blooms anew, may you embrace the winds of change and nurture your personal growth journey. Remember, understanding your “why” ignites the path to lasting transformation. Here's to a season of renewal and self-discovery! Until next time, stay inspired and keep growing and evolving.

To your health and happiness,


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